The function .get_shared() seems, weirdly, to duplicate the memory, so it could be necessary to replace the .get_shared by the following function (m_img).move_to(m_curImg);
Member Cmesh_generate< T, Timg >::cropList (const Cimage< Timg > &oImage, const int &elem, CImg< Timg > &list, std::vector< T > &coord0) const
Different points should be improved : (1) the internal calcul of m_r based on the mask provided by users and (2) a way to provide a m_f vector, not only a scalar, for list image correlation. The problem come from the fact there is no direct link between the current image number (known within main.cpp) and this class which is implemented such as: CshapeFunction -> Ccorrelation -> Csequence -> main