
Yadics developer team: Coudert Sébastien, Seghir Rian, Witz Jean-françois

Yadics developer team: Coudert Sébastien, Seghir Rian, Witz Jean-françois

The development of YaDICs began in 2012, by the association of Jean-françois WITZ and Sebastien COUDERT, both CNRS Research Engineers at the LML in Solid and Fluid mechanics team respectively, and the recruitment of Rian SEGHIR as Postdoctoral fellow.


Rian SEGHIR (Developer - CV)

Research fellow

University of Southampton since Dec. 2015

Group: Engineering Materials Research Group (visit our Photodyn web site project)

Highfield Campus, Southampton, S017 1BJ, Hampshire, U.K.



Jean-François WITZ

CNRS Research Engineer

Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille (LML), CNRS UMR 8107

Team: ER3, du matériau à la structure (MaSTR)

Boulevard Paul Langevin - 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq - Cédex


Sebastien COUDERT

CNRS Research Engineer

PhysicoChimie des processus de Combustion et de l'Atmosphere (PC2A), CNRS UMR 8522

Université Lille1 Sciences et Technologies - Bâtiment C11 - 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex