YaDICs  V04.14.a
Yet another Digital Image Correlation software: platform dedicated to 2/3D Fluid and Solid kinematics field measurements.
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Ccorrelation_opticalFlow.h File Reference

It implements optical flow strategy. More...

#include "Ccorrelation.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Ccorrelation_opticalFlow< T, Timg >
 This is the mother class of Optical Flow strategies: It implements different steps required for the iterative and parallel resolution of the linear system K.U = F. Notice that the parallelization is done on elements for OFFEM and on pixels for OFI. The function "stiffness" implements the calcul of K, i.e. the global stiffness tensor. It is calculated only one time and since it is based on the gradient of the img[0]. The function "forces" implements the calcul of F, i.e. the global forces vector. It is updated at each loop from img[1]* = img[1](x+U,y+V,z+W). Functions Fassembly and Kassembly are specific to OFFEM or OFI, thus are virtual pure, and implements within deeper class how K anf F assembly are done. The function "gradient" implements the point to point gradient. This function allows specifying how the gradient should be done in different case, i.e. centered, left or right one. The function "actu" implements the field actualization from new U vector as well as the difference between img[0] and img[1]* required for the further calcul of F. The function "regularize" implements a median filter used to enforce the smoothing of the solution vector "U" at each loop. It ensure a better convergency of the iterative calcul and is a first step in the implementation of a penality strategy (to do). The function "solve_cimg" is specific to OFFEM and OFI. Specifically when one use mask. It also allow using different solvers. More...

Detailed Description

It implements optical flow strategy.

08 avril 2013