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Yet another Digital Image Correlation software: platform dedicated to 2/3D Fluid and Solid kinematics field measurements.
Directories | |
directory | build |
Files | |
file | Ccorrelation.h [code] |
file | Ccorrelation_factory.h [code] |
file | Ccorrelation_intercor.h [code] |
file | Ccorrelation_intercor_direct.h [code] |
implement the cross correlation between correlogram[0] and correlogram[1] using CImg function. | |
file | Ccorrelation_intercor_fft.h [code] |
!!!!It implements the zeroPadding but doesn't work with fftw lib and the actual architecture since the windows size must remain fixed while this class changes it. To use it comment fftw lib in cmakelist | |
file | Ccorrelation_intercor_fft_phase.h [code] |
it links to zeroPadd method and normalization one of anySize_normalized | |
file | Ccorrelation_intercor_fftw.h [code] |
this branch doesn't requires image size equal to a power of 2 since it uses FFtw which already implements a solution to this problem. this class implement 1 functions: | |
file | Ccorrelation_intercor_fftw_phase.h [code] |
this class implement 2 functions: | |
file | Ccorrelation_opticalFlow.h [code] |
It implements optical flow strategy. | |
file | Ccorrelation_opticalFlow_fem.h [code] |
It implements optical flow strategy for FEM method. | |
file | Ccorrelation_opticalFlow_fem_gradient.h [code] |
It implements optical flow strategy for FEM method using gradient algorithm. | |
file | Ccorrelation_opticalFlow_fem_newton.h [code] |
It implements optical flow strategy for FEM method using newton method. | |
file | Ccorrelation_opticalFlow_integrated.h [code] |
It implements optical flow strategy for global shape functions. | |
file | Ccorrelation_opticalFlow_integrated_block.h [code] |
file | Ccorrelation_opticalFlow_integrated_block_A.h [code] |
file | Ccorrelation_opticalFlow_integrated_block_AA.h [code] |
file | Cfield.h [code] |
file | Cfield_factory.h [code] |
file | Cfield_intercor.h [code] |
file | Cfield_opticalFlow.h [code] |
file | Cfield_opticalFlow_fem.h [code] |
file | Cfield_opticalFlow_integrated.h [code] |
file | Cfield_opticalFlow_integrated_block.h [code] |
file | Cformat.h [code] |
file | Cformat_char_double.h [code] |
file | Cformat_char_float.h [code] |
file | Cformat_double_double.h [code] |
file | Cformat_factory.h [code] |
file | Cformat_float_double.h [code] |
file | Cformat_float_float.h [code] |
file | Cimage.h [code] |
load image and mask from cdl and store fields. It also creates a resized version of data in the case of piramidal filter | |
file | Cimage_factory.h [code] |
file | Cimage_file.h [code] |
load image and mask from cdl and store fields. It also creates a resized version of data in the case of piramidal filter | |
file | Cimage_grab.h [code] |
file | CImg_math.h [code] |
file | Cmesh.h [code] |
file | Cmesh_factory.h [code] |
file | Cmesh_generate.h [code] |
file | Cmesh_generate_centroid.h [code] |
file | Cmesh_generate_centroid_integrated.h [code] |
file | Cmesh_generate_regularFem.h [code] |
file | Cmesh_global.h [code] |
file | Cmesh_import.h [code] |
file | Cmesh_import_image.h [code] |
file | Cmesh_import_T3.h [code] |
file | Cnetcdf.h [code] |
load image from netcdf using mpi | |
file | CNpeak.h [code] |
It implements a vector of n pointer toward a specific Cpeak class to detected successive peaks within a correlogram It also calcul the signal noise ratio SNR, computed from the ratio between successive peaks. Thus one additional peak is calculated but not stored. | |
file | Code_info.h [code] |
file | Cpeak.h [code] |
file | Cpeak_barycenter.h [code] |
file | Cpeak_factory.h [code] |
file | Cpeak_fit.h [code] |
file | Cpeak_fitG.h [code] |
file | Cpeak_fitP.h [code] |
file | Cpeak_interp.h [code] |
file | Cpeak_interpBiLin.h [code] |
file | Cpeak_interpG.h [code] |
file | Cpeak_interpP.h [code] |
file | Cpeak_max.h [code] |
file | Cpeak_subPix.h [code] |
file | Csequence.h [code] |
file | CshapeFunction.h [code] |
file | CshapeFunction_factory.h [code] |
file | CshapeFunction_FEM.h [code] |
file | CshapeFunction_FEM_C8.h [code] |
file | CshapeFunction_FEM_Q4.h [code] |
file | CshapeFunction_global.h [code] |
file | CshapeFunction_global_blade.h [code] |
file | CshapeFunction_global_brasilian.h [code] |
file | CshapeFunction_global_homogeneous.h [code] |
file | CshapeFunction_global_image.h [code] |
file | CshapeFunction_global_rigidBody.h [code] |
file | list.cpp |
file | main.cpp |
file | main_mpi_test.cpp |
file | main_uncertanty_test.cpp |
file | stdafx.h [code] |
file | textcolor.h [code] |
file | ToNetcdf.cpp |